How to Clone a Project from GitHub

How to Clone a Project from GitHub

A beginners guide to cloning a GitHub project


2 min read

If you are reading this article you are probably new to the world of git, GitHub and version control or you have really forgotten to clone a project.

There are two ways in which you can clone a project from GitHub.

Method 1: Download the source code

This is method is for you if you don't use git.

  1. Navigate to the project you want to clone
  2. Press the clone button (green) and you will be shown with a popup, the press the "Download Zip" button and you will have the zipped version of the code in your local machine. image.png
  3. Unzip the code and voila the code is in your local machine ๐Ÿฅณ

Method 2: Clone using git

This is how the pros do it.

Note: You should have git installed for this

  1. Navigate to the project you want to clone
  2. Press the clone button (green) and you will be shown with a popup, then copy the URL image.png
  3. Next open your terminal and type git clone project-url image.png
  4. Hooray! ๐Ÿš€ You now have successfully cloned the project to your local machine

That's it, simple as that ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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