A beginner's guide to CSS shadows.

A beginner's guide to CSS shadows.

Shadows are a useful design tool that can be used to add shadow effects around an element's frame. The box-shadow property gives the ability to add multiple shadow effects separated by commas. A box-shadow is usually described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.

  • X offset => Positive value creates a shadow to the right and negative value creates a shadow to the left.

  • Y offset => Positive value creates a shadow below the element and a negative value above the element.

  • Blur => The bigger the value the bigger and lighter the shadow.

  • Color => Color of the shadow.


In the above image, the shadow is

  • 100px to the right (X axis)

  • 10px below the element (Y axis)

  • A blur radius of 10px

  • The color is #e453d8

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